Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Birding in Lowland Rainforest of Manokwari

Blyth's Hornbill
Watching Tropical Birds in Lowland Forest
Manokwari has been a famous destination among birdwatchers for years. This regency has got huge areas of tropical rainforest both in the Arfak mountains and in the lowland that are suitable for birdwatching. There is a new birding site in northwest region. Its name is Mesirrokow forest. I introduced it on this blog early this year. It has been visited by visitors from Switzerland, French, England and China. The lowland rainforest that covers the riverine area is the natural habitat of a lot of species of tropical birds such as Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Little-Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius), Yellow-faced Myna (Mino dumontii), Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus), Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Willie Wagtail, Brahminy Kite, Grey Goshawk, Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus), Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot and a lot more.
Hornbill were sitting on a palm tree
Watching Blyth's Hornbill and other tropical birds
A few days ago, I guided a French visitor on a 4-day/ 3-night camping and birding tour in the lowland forest to watch birds, butterflies and see the wealth of bio-diversity of the tropical jungle. We stayed in tents at the side of the river that devides the forest. To enhance our birding experience, I provided two pairs of Visionking 10x42 mm roof prism binoculars and a 20-60x60 mm birding scope. However, visitors can bring their own binoculars.  I also brought my digital camera Fujifilm HS50EXR. It was a great experience because we were able to watch Yello-faced Myna (Mino dumontii), Blyth's Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus), Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). I was able to take a nice picture of the hornbills that were sitting in Nibong Palm tree using my old bridge camera. They were big birds whose wings will make fluttering sounds when flying in the sky. Hornbill birds eat nutmeg, ficus fruits.
I highly recommend that visitors buy Birds of New Guinea written by Thane K. Pratt and Bruce Beehler as the main field guide book.

How to get there?
  • Fly from your country to Jakarta city (the capital of Indonesia)
  • After that, fly to Manokwari city. Domestic airlines such as Garuda, Xpress Air, and Sriwijaya Air have got regular flights to Manokwari.
  • I will meet you at the airport or hotel in the city to arrange your birdwatching tour to lowland forest of Manokwari
Camping near the river
Campsite in lowland forest of Manokwari
As of today, there are no hotels or guesthouses in Mesirrokow forest. Visitors will have to stay in tents if they want to enjoy birdwatching in the area for a few days. I, as tourist guide, have got several dome tents which tourists can use during the riverwalk and birding trip in the area. I also provide cooking and eating utensils. There are several campsites in the area. In the first day, we can stay in Campsite 1, the next day, we can move deeper into the jungle and stay in Campsite 2 and then move to Campsite 3 or walk back to main road and return to Manokwari city by car. Birds are usually active early in the mornings and late in the afternoons. However, because the open space in the river is very wide and long, we have higher chance to see birds that sit on the branches of trees, walk on the shore or even fly over the river during the day.
Birding in Lowland Forest of Manokwari
Booking - Tropical Birding Tours
As a tourist guide, I offer private birding tour for birdwatcher who is interested in birding in West Papua. The destination can be Klasow valley in Sorong regency, Lowland Rainforest in Manokwari, or Numfor island. For discussion about your destination, duration of the trip and cost, please, contact me (Charles Roring) by email to: or whatsapp message: +6281332245180.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Camping and Birdwatching in Lowland Forest of Manokwari

Exploring tropical rainforest of Manokwari
Manokwari is a nice destination for birdwatchers. There is a rainforest area in northwest region where visitors can explore the forest and watch birds as well as other wild animals and unique tropical plants. The name of the forest is Mesirrokow. I have organized riverwalk and camping tours for visitors who come from Switzerland, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. If you are interested, you could book the tour by sending email to:

Mesirrokow river
Riverwalk and Birdwatching
We went there and explore the tropical jungle for 3 to 4 days. To explore the forest, we walk along the sides of the river. Birds such as Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Papuan Hornbill, Brahminy Kite, Little-ringed Plover, Willie Wagtail can easily be seen during the riverwalk tour.
Before sunset time birds become more active and we will have more chance to see Eclectus Parrot, Palm Cockatoo, Variable Goshawk, Yellow Faced Myna and a lot more. I have got binoculars and spotting scope which tourists can use to watch birds in distant trees or branches. But I highly recommend that visitors also bring their own binoculars that are suitable for them.
If possible, buy : Birds of New Guinea field guide book written by Thane K. Pratt and Bruce Beehler as the most recommended birding book for West Papua region.
The rainforest of Mesirrokow river is also the natural habitat of deer, wild pigs, and soa-soa lizard. There are wild flowers and butterflies too.

As a tour guide, I provide camping equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and cooking/ eating utensils for visitors who are interested in taking the tour. In addition to watching birds, visitors can enjoy swimming, catching fish in the river.
Night walk can also be done to find Large Tail Nighjar

Duration of the Tour
On the average, visitors spend between 3 days to 5 days for rainforest river-walk and birdwatching tour in lowland forest of Manokwari.