Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trekking in the jungle of Manokwari

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The best way to explore the wealth of tropical rainforest is by walking through it. Last week, I guided 3 French tourists on a 3-day trekking tour in the jungle of Manokwari. In the first day of the trips, we explored the lowland forest along Pami river. It was a long walk. We started at 9.30 a.m and finished at 18.30 p.m. The French tourists were tough and they were able to complete the whole journey that day. They were Anne, Stephanie and Paul. 
They saw beautiful scenery of forest when walking through Pami river. Very few tourists had experienced this trip. The purpose of the trip was to see the complex ecosystem of the tropical rainforest. While walking, they were able to see various species of trees, butterflies and birds. The most significant bird was Blyth's hornbill that frequently flies over the canopy of the forest. 
The next day, the walking tour program was continued to higher elevation forest between 1,300 to 1,500 meters above sea level where the French tourists would watch several birds of paradise such as Western Parotia (Parotia sefilata), Magnificent Birds of Paradise (Cicinnurus Magnificus). Another unique bird that was called as the king of seduction was Vogelkop bowerbird (Amblyornis innornatus). They were able to see all of them although only had a small glance of the Magnificent one. While sitting in the blind to watch the birds, they also saw a Cinnamon fruit dove. 
The last day of the trekking journey was completed after they had a long walk from the guesthouse at the foot of Mt. Soyti to Kwau village. They were thrilled by the panorama of Arfak range when walking down the steep slopes that overlooked the village. 
Arfak range has been a favorite destination among tourists who visit West Papua. Anybody who wants to book this trekking program has to be physically fit. If you are interested in trekking in the lowland and highland forests of Manokwari, please contact me (Charles Roring) by email: