Friday, July 16, 2010

Children playing at the beach of Aipiri village of Manokwari West Papua

Here is the video of children playing at the beach of Aipiri village. The children looked happy when I was interviewing them. In this village, tourists can see sun rise in the morning.
Aipiri village is located at the east of Manokwari facing the Pacific Ocean. It is an ideal place for watching sunrise early in the morning. It was the second time for me visiting the village. The first one was around 10 years ago. Lobsters and various species of coral fish live along the northern coast of Manokwari regency. Fishermen catch and sell them at the traditional market in Manokwari. Airpiri is not far from Susweni - the place where Catholic Priest Pater Anton Tromp OSA is currently building SMA Villanova. by Charles Roring

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