
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mansinam Island

by Charles Roring
Mansinam is a small island located in Dorey bay of Manokwari city. The island is considered as The Island of Civilization by the indigenous Papuan people. Christianity was introduced for the first time to the indigenous people on 5 February 1855 by three German evangelists C.W. Ottow and his wife, and Geissler. At that time, they were still involved in tribal wars. The evangelists and their successors built schools, health clinics, and churches that have now become GKI (Gereja Kristen Injili di Tanah Papua) - one of the largest Christian denominations in West Papua. They were able to stop tribal wars, slavery and introduced education.
White sandy beach in Mansinam island
White Sandy Beach of Mansinam Island
Every year, on 5 February, pilgrims visit Manokwari city and Mansinam island to celebrate the landing of the missionaries as the date when the indigenous Papuan people began to embrace modern civilization.
Tourism Activities
In addition to visiting Cross Monument and Giant Jesus statue, visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving along the coastal area of the island. Coral reef can easily be found around the island. The government build concrete road that circles the island.  It is suitable for visitors who are interested in nature walk or birdwatching walk particularly on the south-eastern region of the island.
Reef Flat area in Mansinam island

Snorkeling or Scuba Diving
Coral reef is the tropical rainforest of the ocean. It is the natural habitat of thousands of species of fish. Mansinam island has got several sites that are suitable for snorkelers and scuba divers. Visitors could see various species of fish including damsel fish, grouper, butterfly fish, jack fish, that live in the coral reef of the island.
Coral reef and tropical fish
Marine Life in drop off area of Mansinam Waters
In addition to tourism activities in the island, we could also organize trekking and birding tours in Arfak mountains for visitors who want to see biodiversity of tropical rainforest.
For further information about traveling to Mansinam island, Manokwari and its surrounding areas, please, contact me by Email to:

How to get there?
  • Fly from your country to Jakarta city
  • After that fly from Jakarta to Manokwari city
  • We will be happy to meet you at the airport and transfer you to the island.
We also provide tour hiking and wildlife watching tour in the jungle for visitors who want to see rainforest ecosystem with unique trees, flowers, butterflies, and birds.
Also read: Snorkeling Tour in Coral Reef of Manokwari